3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Better Phone System

Your Business is Falling Between the Communication Gap and Your Current Phone System is the Reason

Your current system hasn’t evolved – Our notion and understanding of communications has changed over the years and your current phone system isn’t evolving with time. Communications has evolved far beyond conference calls and webinars, and the industry has introduced advanced mobility features that have redefined connectivity for business. As your business is continuously growing and evolving, you’re realizing more and more that it’s necessary for modes of communication between employees and clients must evolve simultaneously.

Pricing and deployment are better with unified communications – With your current provider, if you need to scale up or down in your deployments, you’re forced to purchase different products, implement the technology and have it managed by an in-house technician. If you want to adopt enterprise IM, screen sharing, video chat or other necessary modes of communication, your monthly expenses increase with each product adoption. Not to mention, unexpected frequent maintenance costs seem endless. Your monthly expenditures just keep escalating with no end in sight and it’s time to get with the program.

Your employees are road warriors with high phone-connectivity needs – With your business redefining “workspace” and incorporating highly mobile workers, your legacy phone system doesn’t allow your employees to thrive outside of the office. With the already limited features and out-dated hardware in the office, your employees are left to fend for themselves once they leave their desk. You need a phone system that customizes to each individuals needs and allows your employees to excel in the office or at home, and anywhere in between.

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