3 Ways The Cloud Reduces Your Nonprofit’s Carbon Footprint

By Placing Communications in the Cloud, Nonprofit Organizations Can Reduce Their Environmental Footprint

It’s no secret that cloud communications is a big buzz word in the nonprofit world. With the affordable, feature-rich and reliable communications system at an organization’s fingertips, the possibilities are limitless. Nonprofit organizations around the world are leveraging unified communications to increase communications and collaboration, streamline their work flows and improve their funding efforts all while reducing their carbon footprint. It may seem too good to be true, but it’s the reality of what many nonprofit organizations experience each day.

Take a look at 3 ways that cloud communications reduces a nonprofit organizations carbon footprint. 

1. UniFax – This incredibly sought after feature completely eliminates the need to house a fax machine. Thousands of nonprofits send and receive fax in their preferred e-mail of choice and have gotten rid of their fax machines forever. Not only does this save on raw material waste in landfills, but saves paper usage for documents that could easily be sent digitally.

2. Mobility – The concept of mobility with a unified communications solution has redefined the meaning of a “work environment” entirely. Nonprofit employees, volunteers and staff can work from anywhere, at any time and just as efficiently as if they were in the office. With total access to the feature-rich solution from the comfort of their home, a satellite site, or in the field, nonprofit workers are traveling less – reducing pollution and gas consumption.

3. Web Conferencing – It is more important than ever that nonprofit organizations communicate with each other, no matter the distance between employee. Web Conferencing features allow for 3, 4, 5 or more individuals to meet no matter where they are, and at any time that works best for everyone involved. Traveling for meetings is a thing of the past and so is wasting valuable natural resources on plane rides, long car rides, and commuter train travels.

Looking for a way to boost your nonprofit organization’s fundraising efforts while leveraging communication and collaboration with your community? Take action and apply to qualify.


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