9 Cloud Myths

Are these myths standing between you and UC success?

Misconceptions may be keeping IT decision makers from taking advantage of the tremendous synergy between unified communications (UC) and the cloud.  As a result, companies remain stuck with obsolete, siloed voice and messaging solutions that cost too much to run and fail to deliver the customer experience necessary to compete in a multichannel world.

These nine common myths may be clouding your judgment about your company’s communication options.

  1. Cloud computing is just a way to save money
  2. The cloud does n0t offer sufficient customized solutions
  3. The cloud is an all or nothing proposition
  4. The Cloud can’t deliver the performance necessary for voice communications
  5. The cloud doesn’t give IT or the business sufficient control
  6. The cloud isn’t secure
  7. The cloud locks you into a relationship with one cloud vendor
  8. The cloud is new and unproven
  9. Cloud-based UC is not a “front burner” issue

To find out more about UC in the cloud and how UniVoIP VoIP/UC Solutions can help, request a demo or give us a call.   Educate yourself and experience success.


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