How Your Nonprofit Organization Can “Go Green”

Your Organization’s Current Phone System Doesn’t Let Your Nonprofit “Go Green”

Your current system doesn’t allow you to save money while promoting the “green movement”. Your current phone system is an energy drain, a large contributor to landfills and costs your organization more than twice the amount of energy than a cloud-based solution.

Aside from primary cost savings of switching to cloud communications, the solution is cost effective for your nonprofit through its peripheral savings. Features such as “fax to email” which enables you to eliminate your fax machine entirely, reduce paper expenses, save your organization headache and organize all fax in your e-mail of choice, not only lowers operating expenses but also reduces your organization’s carbon footprint. Moreover, with cloud communications, less tangible equipment is necessary to operate a fully functional, feature-rich telecommunications solution, therefore reducing your organization’s landfill contribution and promoting a healthier environment. Additionally, do to cloud communication’s “mobile workforce” capabilities, staff and volunteers can work from anywhere in the world with the same connectivity as in the office. This helps reduce air pollution by allowing workers to work from home rather than commuting to and from the office daily.

Learn more: Free VoIP Phones include features such as application integration, auto attendant, mobility, conferencing, contact center, mass messaging, security, disaster avoidance and more. Cash donation and sponsorship opportunities also available.


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