10 Facts that Prove Making Customer Experience Management a Priority is Necessary

Customers are Interacting with Companies in New Ways and Customer Experience Management Must be a Main Focus

In the world of customer experience management, thought leaders are prioritizing customer centricity and are encouraging companies to put customers and their voices as a main priority. The foundation of this customer-centric approach lies with assessment, analyses and decision making that directly impacts the way customers view a brand. With that said, companies are in search for the best set of tools to help them achieve a superior customer experience.

Companies are shifting their operating model to improve value and customer experience in their contact centers. Forward-thinking customer service and channel managers can create an immediate impact and a long-term advantage by considering and selecting the best cloud contact center provider. With outdated contact center technology, companies are challenged with lack of desktop tools, insufficient core technology, lack of cross-departmental collaboration, high attrition rate, high abandonment rate and reduced first call resolution – all of which leads to a significant loss in customer satisfaction.

So when researching and selecting the right contact center technology, companies must first understand and address trends in customer interactions with their favorite brand.

Top 10 statistics behind customer experience that prove companies need to prioritize their customer service experience in order to ensure customer retention and acquisition

According to a study done by CCW Digital, here are the top 10 statistics behind customer experience that prove companies need to prioritize their customer service experience in order to ensure customer retention and acquisition.

  1. Bad experiences cost the business. 62% of customers will consider switching to a competitor after only 1 or 2 negative experiences.
  2. 54% would switch even if the competitor charged more for an equivalent product.
  3. When dealing with a rude or incompetent agent, nearly 50% of customers blame the business.
  4. 63% of customers would pay more for a better customer experience.
  5. Customers and business both identify first contact resolution as the top priority during interactions.
  6. Companies, as a general rule, respond to complaints. They are most likely to respond when similar complaints are being made by many customers.
  7.  Proactive engagement is a gateway to a superior customer experience. It is the #1 way to win back lost customers.
  8. Live voice remains customers’ preferred communication channel.
  9. Disintegration is crippling the customer experience. It is the #1 technology challenge and the #1 cause of poor productivity.
  10. More than 40% of customers rarely or never receive a satisfactory response.

In response to growing customer demands, omnichannel cloud contact centers offer omnipresent technology that has let to dramatic changes in how consumers interact with enterprises, identify critical features and functionalities required to achieve the ultimate customer experience (CX) and promote operational goals and efficiencies for agents and supervisors.

Success lies in quickly moving to a modern cloud contact center that looks beyond simple quality metrics and nurtures a constructive, dialogue-driven buyer-vendor relationship, focus on improving performance as well as contributing expertise in digital service and customer experience management.


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