New OfficeConnect Features May 2014

Unlimited Call Data

Analyze and process unlimited call data. Know how customers, prospects and employees interact with unlimited daily, weekly or monthly reports – sent directly to your inbox.

  • Call Details include:
  • Date & Time
  • In/Outbound caller ID
  • Phone Number Dialed
  • Duration
  • How Each call was answered

Do Not Disturb

Finally a single click to redirect all calls (including internal) when you need to focus on the task at hand. Now you can easily program a single key on your phone that redirects all calls to Call Coverage.

Emergency Emails

Get an automatic Emergency Email when 911 is dialed from any phone on your system. This customizable feature provides Email alerts when an emergency class of service, for example 911, is dialed.

Mobile Web Admin enhancements

Enhancements have been made to Mobile Web Administration so that users can

  • view all logged in devices
  • select any device as the Click-to-Dial originator
  • select any device as the intercom recipient (excluding SIP devices)
  • log out any device


OfficeConnect now supports Multi-Desking – the capability to associate a subscriber’s extension with more than one terminal. Multi-Desking is now supported for up to 3 devices and includes the following capabilities:

  • Multiple Simultaneous Logins
  • Simultaneous Ringing
  • Outgoing Calls

Note that with the introduction of this feature, when viewing the web My Phones page, an ‘*’ next to a phone model, in the Phone Model drop-down list, denotes a logged-in phone model as opposed to the default phone model displayed previously.

Welcome Email Enhancement

OfficeConnect now provides the ability to suppress the welcome email that is sent to new users, as well as send a welcome email to a group of users at any time.

Call Queuing Position Announcements

OfficeConnect supports Call Queuing, which now provides queue group position announcements to let callers know their place in the queue.


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