Why Business Mobility Trends Mean Increased Revenue for MSPs

As an MSP, you know that your market is growing. According to research conducted by Mordor Intelligence,1 the MSP market is forecasted to grow to over $200 billion by 2025. It’s a great time to be in the business, but you need to look for growth opportunities to ensure that you participate in the forecasted growth. Business mobility trends are seen as one of the prime drivers for the market.

For example, Mordor Intelligence predicts that the MSP market will see a high demand for managed mobility and information services for both short- and long-term strategic plans. Further, they noted that over the past few years, businesses are changing their buying decisions to reduce cost by reducing the number of suppliers they deal with.

For that reason, the market is seeing an increased demand for bundled services. MSPs who partner with critical solution providers will have a competitive advantage today and as the market evolves.

Working from home is on the rise

Overview: Business Mobility Trends

When you’re looking for ways to earn more monthly recurring revenue (MRR), leveraging business mobility trends is a perfect opportunity for two key reasons.

Remote Work Is Thriving

The pandemic made significant changes in how business is conducted. Overnight, businesses needed to support remote workers. Remote work might have become a trend at some point, but the pandemic threw businesses into a race to increase their mobility capabilities. Now, those businesses are scrambling to figure out how to keep that support going in a more efficient way.

In fact, many employees who are now working from home enjoy it. According to Pew Research,2 of the employees they surveyed, only 20% had worked from home before the pandemic. Now that 70% of those surveyed are working from home, 54% of them want to continue remote work in the future.

Another interesting result from that survey showed that remote employees are using video calling/conferencing and instant messaging to stay connected with their coworkers. For many employees, those types of online tools are essential to making working remotely possible.

The Importance of Collaboration

Long before the pandemic, business gurus were singing the praises of greater collaboration among teams and individuals as a critical part of being successful in this digital age. Even back in 2017,3 research indicated that when companies actively supported collaboration, they were five times as likely to be high performing organizations.

Now, with the pandemic, the importance of collaboration has skyrocketed. Many businesses now find they couldn’t succeed without it and the tools that make collaboration happen.

MSPs Can Leverage Business Mobility Trends to Earn More MRR

MSPs who leverage the business mobility trends to sell more technologies that can address those requirements have an excellent opportunity to stand out from the competition. Not only is the demand there, but budgets are being updated to support more investment in those technologies. For example, in a survey by Nemertes Research,4 over half of research participants plan to increase budgets for video applications, and almost half plan to invest in team collaboration apps.

VoIP and unified communications are going to be an ongoing need5 for businesses that support and promote business mobility. Your customers who are still relying on a legacy PBX system will undoubtedly be looking at VoIP sooner rather than later. The likelihood that remote working is here to stay will prompt CIOs to reevaluate the tools they’re using to promote collaboration and make communications cheaper and more effective. It’s a perfect situation for MSPs to expand their offerings.

How UniVoIP Can Partner With You

UniVoIP has a range of products that can help you increase your MRR by taking advantage of today’s business mobility trends.

For example, applications such as Cloud Voice for MS Teams are extremely popular as a way to provide the collaboration tools companies need. It can also be integrated with unified communications as a service (UCaaS) to let users make, receive, and transfer calls from within the Teams app. It’s an excellent opportunity for you to earn more MRR.

Another opportunity is to help your global customers optimize their network with SD-WAN. It’s a much more flexible approach than using MPLS and supports cloud computing and the use of mobile devices. Customers can increase usable capacity and improve resiliency at a lower cost.

In addition, our Channel Partner Program is the only one that guarantees your customers’ satisfaction. Our customer churn rate of .25% is ample evidence of that fact. There are no minimums, quotas, or exclusivity clauses, and we provide CEO-level white glove service to help you retain your customers. Our 24/7 U.S.-based support means that your customers will always get the assistance they need.

Our award-winning services have helped our partners increase their MRR. Learn more about our Channel Partner Program, or contact us for more information.



  1. https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/global-managed-services-market-industry
  2. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/12/09/how-the-coronavirus-outbreak-has-and-hasnt-changed-the-way-americans-work/#teleworkers-are-taking-advantage-of-online-tools-and-platforms-to-keep-in-touch-with-co-workers-and-most-see-them-as-a-good-substitute
  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/adigaskell/2017/06/22/new-study-finds-that-collaboration-drives-workplace-performance/?sh=323c0ac03d02
  4. https://www.computerworld.com/article/3601992/businesses-to-boost-collaboration-spending-in-21-as-remote-work-continues.html
  5. https://searchitchannel.techtarget.com/feature/Predicting-7-MSP-trends-in-technology-for-2021

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